Thursday, March 22, 2012

Waiting for the impossible

We can pray for the impossible. I really don't have any trouble doing that! I don't even mind waiting for a while - and even a while longer - and even a while longer still. I can keep praising God and being hopeful. But then as time multiplies, although I do not give up in any way, it gets harder and harder to be so expectant.

A guess Abraham must have felt the same way waiting for the birth of his long awaited son. I guess Joseph did too languishing in prison. I guess we all do at times when nothing much seems to happen.

So what can we do? God is faithful. He does not change. I have discovered I can continue to praise Him, continue to worship Him for who He is - for His sovereignty - His power - His love - His grace. For who He is! And this is enough for I know that my issues in the hands of such a God will not go unnoticed. He knows. He cares. And He can accomplish anything if it part of His will. So I can rest in trust.

What a great place to be!