Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hearing God's voice

Watching the Spirit work can be difficult when you are beginning something new.
Questions can arise such as :
Did I really hear from God?
Is this just my own idea?
What do I do with what I believe God said to me?
When do I do it?
Do I move forward or wait for God's next move?

The Bible tells us that when God spoke to someone the person He was speaking to knew that it was God. They were not confused.

However often the people around them were! Remember Paul on the road to Damacus. When God spoke he fell to the ground and listened to those powerful life changing words. God spoke actual words to give him direction and instruction. However the people around him heard the noise as thunder!

God is very personal. He knows us each by name. He counts the very hairs on our heads. Jesus says He is our Shepherd and we, as His sheep, will hear His voice. Once we have heard all we need to do is follow!

1 comment:

  1. I can so relate to this post! I think confusion and doubt is used so often to try and stop us putting into practise what God is telling us to do.
    I found your blog via AMP scholarships by the way. I was looking for someone to vote for and then when I came across your profile it just jumped out at me as I had a lot of trouble with anxiety and fear, (but have overcome that now, praise God!) and then when I found out that you're books and workshops are Christian based, well I knew it was you I had to vote for! I'll send the link to some friends to get them voting too!
