Thursday, June 23, 2011


Pretense builds a wall around you. You may think you are fooling everyone else and even protecting yourself but actually you are the one who is trapped.

Yes, being real does make you vulnerable. But the more you know God the more you will be willing to be vulnerable. Why? Because you will not ony know that He is with you to strengthen you, bring truth, help, guide, protect and deliver you but also that He has the character to know what is right and the power to do it.

If He is like this and does all these things then what does vulnerablitiy on your part matter?

In fact a person without secrets, who is not oversensitive, who takes responsibility for their foibles and doesn't blame everone else is a much stronger person even though they may be vulnerable. So much so that is can actually annoy some people!

Are you up for the challenge? BE REAL! BU!

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