Saturday, June 25, 2011

Why Do People Choose Darkness?

Have you ever noticed, ladies, what happens to your face under bright flourescent light?
All my flaws show up bright and sparkling!

Candlelight is so much more kind. It's gentle and tolerant and adds a lulling atmosphere that is so easy to relax in. Candlelit resturants are endlessly more inviting that harshly lit ones and candlelit friendships can be so much more fun.

Yet candlelight doesn't change reality. Once the sun rises we are all exposed.

Spiritually it is no different.

God's light reveals truth that can jerk us back to reality. His motivation is always to restore and heal. Sadly some prefer to hide in their illusions and fantasies. They are afraid of what they must face, afraid and unwilling to do what they know they must do if they allow themselves to be confronted by the truth. And they work hard to avoid this happening. It is all a choice. Yet eventually no one will be able to hold back the dawn.

God has a way of letting His truth be known.

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