Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Provided For

When I needed to know God as my Provider I discovered I was in need. Strange that!When you think about it of course there is no other way to discover you have a provider! It's the place of not knowing where your next hot chocolate is coming from, or more importantly if you can provide for your children, or what's around the corner while at the same time knowing you can't cope - not really! Or at least don't feel as though you can. You just don't have the energy let alone anything else!

In this place God steps in. He revealed Himself and, for me, I knew not only that I was not alone but also that I was loved. I had a DADDY in heaven who owned everything and was big and powerful enough to do something. And most amazing of all I discovered He is very generous.

As they say - It's all about who you know!

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